video games / 2021 / walkr : fitness space adventure

walkr : fitness space adventure

free game | android
22-05-2021, by joy

walkr : fitness space adventure, available on android

Discover more than 50 planets in this spatial exploration game.

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


noname137233, the 22/05/2021


I'm having fun
noname512628, the 22/05/2021


I like it, it just at times challenges my patience. But i really love the graphics. Edit: i have been playing for months now and loved it even more.
noname901992, the 22/05/2021


Full name displayed without choice to manage it.
noname437320, the 22/05/2021


Nice walking game
noname145736, the 22/05/2021


https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GiOTusQL3IbUNxMCaRtZRCXS_7HKzfND1m8-_RL"] ] ,true] ,[null,2,null,[null
noname180277, the 22/05/2021


https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GhT8rp_MZUIqsOgUgVKE0m7CHMIbGyzI4CbzM1kiA"] ] ,true] ,[null,2,null,[null
noname549369, the 22/05/2021


https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GggKJQ_IcpG-dJIW2fG9b6s_tEfsgaWKtK_FULiKw"] ] ,true] ,[null,2,null,[null
noname292688, the 22/05/2021


https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GhNYKeALUNy1O8mGlzmsRRBQup8KEPeirLxW_Grng"] ] ,true] ,[null,2,null,[null
noname897717, the 22/05/2021


Best Step Game
noname257927, the 22/05/2021


It's a good little game with fun graphics. Edit: continously crashes at launching since today.
noname14130, the 22/05/2021


The adventure game emphasizes story and storytelling to provide a gameplay experience that focuses on storyline and atmosphere.

new release
official link