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pokémon go

free game | android
05-10-2021, by elodie

pokémon go, available on android

Join the trainers who discover Pokémon by exploring the world around them, and face them.

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


You have to pay money to hatch eggs you don't want just so that you can have to room to get eggs that probably won't give you what you wanted out of them anyways. Give me overpriced, increasing ($15, $20, $25), permanent incubators, or let me trash eggs. You have no choice but to waste 30 balls as a "reward" for the battle league, because you absolutely can not continue battling until you do. The player should be able to back out if the encounter, but also decline the encounter.
noname939464, the 05/10/2021


Poor playing since update, slow, bad connection, too much going on with the unnecessary graphics, wasted pixels, snow fall or whatever is going on. Crashes slow reaction and freezing during league battles. Problem with game speed and lag. The program is glitching, frequent player notice the change of music, means game is running poorly. Battle league depends on time of day, not the skill of the player. Lag loss battles, taking damage at increased rates. The on the other side you play against ppl
noname208433, the 05/10/2021


I have been playing this game since it came out and to be honest its a good game except for the load time it takes forever to load into this game. And thats from day one. Now for something more recent my character has been blacked out or green since yesterday. I cought a duskull 2 days ago and the game glitched and it never appeared in my poke storage now today i have tried 4 times in a row to battle jessie and james and the game crashed every time. Please fix the game.
noname861342, the 05/10/2021


Update...now that the distance to stops/gyms was lengthened again, and the ability to not use the rocket radar if you don't want, I'm increasing my rating to 3...Used to like this game pretty well, but between the glitch when you tap an incense pokemon just as it's disappearing, especially on communtiy day, and the whole app locks up and you have to restart the game...to the return to the shorter distance to spin a pokestop or gym, this game is becoming less and less fun.
noname399000, the 05/10/2021


This game is SO fun! I love the animation of the pokemon and the way you don't have to battle to catch pokemon! I don't really like how if your in a vehicle and you go by a poke stop, the game won't let you spin it. Despite the bad things, this game is super fun and deserves 5 stars in my opinion!
noname699357, the 05/10/2021


Well, I understand that you were going for something unique but it would be better if you had the 4 move system with designated buttons and pp and if you really want to keep your mini game that is, you split the system between light heavy and charged attack. I don't like AR but because it's in your game the battle, pet u0026 capture system don't really capitalize on this aspect of the game i.e having Pokémon level to the ground or roaming to me that just makes sense with the 3d model and ar pairing.
noname995641, the 05/10/2021


Unpopular opinion: this isn't fun anymore. I've played since launch in 2016, I'm level 41. For some time now, playing has been more of a chore. Everything in this game is dependent on raids or other cash grabs. New event? Do raids to get the event costume. New shiny "released"? Go do raids to have a chance. Want a CD shiny with good IVs? Pay $2 for "special research" which is just catching more CD Pokémon and the reward is the CD Pokémon. Battle system is okay, but WAY too laggy to be serious.
noname251166, the 05/10/2021


Game overall lately has been pleasant. Glad they added the pokestop extended distance, its a nice quality of life improvement. Id like to ask that you add a toggle for 60/90/120fps option. Devices these days are more than powerful enough to run the game at 60fps or more without battery drain or heat. There are also at some points in the game where it runs at 60 FPS so I'm able to see firsthand that it's more than capable. At least make it an option. That way everyone wins.
noname894518, the 05/10/2021


I'm giving 3 stars because the game has done some good for my family. HOWEVER, NINANTIC IS taking money and not resolving ongoing issues. I've reached out to them several times on different social media platforms and they continue to ignore how much money has been wasted because the game glitches. They need to refund the money
noname503291, the 05/10/2021


It's cute, beautiful, I waste all day for playing this, its not trash, I love it. Remember I love it. Please, don't delete this game until the end of world, this is my childhood game, I smile everytime I play it, sometimes its laggy, but idfc anymore, this game deserves more much loves, this game reminds me when the pandemic haven't even started yet, I play this alot, 1001% Reccomended, don't listen to them, Pokémon games are just the best, especially this one! Love from [Me]
noname857617, the 05/10/2021


I love it. Though many people that I know agrees with mean when I say that Pokémon GO should let us trade items. You can keep the stardust cost. We don't mind. Its just that there are certain items we can't get commonly like others. Ex. Dad not getting enough potions or mom not getting enough sinnoh stones. I have some of those and I wish to help them because of that. Thank you for updating even though the game died in 2019. Thank you.
noname803762, the 05/10/2021


I have played since the beginning, losing interest due to the distance increase in spinning stops. I moved to a non vaccine believing town and I refuse to walk up to the doors of the businesses to spin. There a not many stops to spin anyway and I can't reach from the street anymore. Less balls to catch pokemon, less gifts to give so you get less gifts back. What's the point? I am starting to think less about the game and forgetting to even open it. Which is good because it's hella expensive.
noname883499, the 05/10/2021


Very good to see that some major updates have been made to the graphics as well as some functionality. There is a sleek new look which is great to see and a lot of cool new features. But Niantic still seems to be unwilling to fix the numerous other existing and new bugs that impact on the ability to enjoy the game. They have also completely lost touch with their target audience. They just have no idea at all. Forcing out new stickers aimed at children when the bulk of their users are adults.
noname194195, the 05/10/2021


Daily player, if ur walking distance of spots it's a great way to spend time, always events and new stuff, maybe an unpopular opinion but I think some sort of monthly extra missions like a battle pass with items and encounters would do so well in Pokemon go, would love to see it, keep the great updates coming:) more shinies too please:P
noname447277, the 05/10/2021


Fun if you have a ton of time u0026 money. Getting spins added in rural areas is very hard, makes getting coins nearly impossible if you don't either live neary a city or have means to travel. PvP battles are still dropping connection, regardless of what connection you use. I'll say this, They recently seem to be working on making the game more inclusive. Less pay to win content, the spin increase u0026 1 free remote pass a week has been very thoughtful additions for lower income u0026 rural players.
noname102218, the 05/10/2021


I love aspects of this game, but the battling is atrocious. Anything from raids to the pvp battles has an issue with it. The remote raids are great, but why limit the amount of invites to 5? This was fine for Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf but for more powerful Pokemon that isn't enough and not everyone can just find a raid with people at it. I live next to 5 gyms in my downtown square and 15 minutes away is an outlet mall with 4 more. I've seen 2 people doing raids there all last week while playing a lot
noname39032, the 05/10/2021


I have a mostly positive view of the game. The overall concept and gameplay is fine but man... Can we please... PLEASE make the animations skipable? Like if you're have a bunch of eggs hatching at once, forget it... that renders the game unplayable for 2-3 minutes while each one appears, jiggles, pops open, then transitions to the next screen etc. If you're out walking and encounter 5-6 pokemon, you have to stand there for 10 minutes, 2 minutes of which is actually playing. Skipable animations.
noname511014, the 05/10/2021


Great game, but recently something has messed up with it. Now it's not hardly loading in the game at all. I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, so I know it's not my phone. Just the past 2 days or so the game had started doing this. Please fix ????
noname147117, the 05/10/2021


Random odds, so good luck trying to catch something that you like above average or shiny, lackluster events under paywalls, people that will kick you out of gyms almost instantly after you leave a pokémon in them, leaving you with close to no coins, a bragging rights simulator for funsuckers that don't have anything else to do with their life. Also updates that make the game lag even on good phones. Huge potential, even greater disappointment.
noname109809, the 05/10/2021


After 4 years of playing Go is rapidly losing my interest. Fashion battles are exactly the same as trainer battles and rocket battles. Generations do not roll out fast enough. A few new pokemon every couple months gives me something to do for 5 minutes. The fighting still needs major revampment. Raiding is basically broken. The only way to even get a raid group is using the app "PokeRaider" and even then the game crashes out sometimes. Quests that can not be completed.please make better.
noname705805, the 05/10/2021


I know it's a good game but immediately I enter the game it says gps connection not found (11). That means no matter how far I walk it doesn't show am walking and this really annoyed me and my gps is on . I played it a few days ago and now it's starting to act up really annoyed
noname535700, the 05/10/2021


The crashing, it's just crash after crash after crash. And sometimes when I'm joining a raid remotely and the game CRASHES because it does that way too often, it still uses the raid pass when I try to do a raid so I lose a raid pass. Also the 50 pokecoin limit is just plain stupid. I also can't reach anything anymore so resources are pretty hard to get now.
noname606901, the 05/10/2021


Pretty interactive game, alot to like. Little bugs here u0026 there but not to serious. Sometimes hit a bug where the game just completely freezes which can be aggravating if your in the middle of catching a Pokémon you've been trying to catch for a long time. But usually only hits when your on main screen looking at your character u0026 the Pokémon that pop up. Other than that tiny bug it's a great game worth installing u0026 putting some time into.
noname99211, the 05/10/2021


Compatible with Android devices that have 2GB RAM or more and have Android Version 6.0–10.0+ installed. Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS capabilities or devices that are connected only to Wi-Fi networks. Application may not run on certain devices even if they have compatible OS versions installed. There is your stupid answer to all of your stupid comments. And the game does have some glitches but it's an amazing game to all of your dumb fools who don't know a good game????.
noname998795, the 05/10/2021


Pokemon has always been my passion ever since I was a little girl, and now people can Adventure more out in public like Pokemon trainers in the actual anime but they always have to be careful with the roads and looking around. And pretty much everywhere you go a Pokemon is there along with raids and battles along with meeting other people. It's fun to play Pokemon and I will always love it and I can't wait to see what else comes out
noname458755, the 05/10/2021


Fix the lag... player get to co.e in while I start off half dead.... the meta is one thing but letting g player take advantage over lag... come on!!!?!?!?!I shouldn't begin a battle half dead and they use a build up attack. Thos isn't pokemon!!! Get your shot together!!!! On a side note, mewttwo should be more powerful. He comes only 2nd to god pokemon. You as a company.. you simply dont get it.
noname602696, the 05/10/2021


Oh cool a shiny! Just like... everyone else has... making it not very special. Niantic has decided to go with the approach of bombarding players with as much stuff as possible, all at once, to desperately try to hold people's attention. In the process, nothing feels earned and the entire experience feels cheap. Every event now feels like a rushed barf of content.
noname630450, the 05/10/2021


My favourite Pokémon game. I played it many years ago. There's a lot of changes now...The numbers of Pokéstops and Gyms are increased . That's what I wanted and left the game. Now I am back again and having fun. I would recommend everyone to join this game again, Who left. This game never becomes boring. Even after playing a lot of time. I don't get out of home for playing But still enjoying...
noname476753, the 05/10/2021


Reminds me of my childhood but I wouldnt suggest buying anything because you will often get scammed due to game bugs and a severe lack of support and DO NOT try the online pvp you *will* only get placed against players who are 4 or 5 levels higher than you and who always have perfect counters for your party. The only nice thing about the game is they have some nostalgic Pokemon so if you are not here to collect your favorites, do not waste your storage space on this failure.
noname12922, the 05/10/2021


I love this game. My only complaint would be never having enough pokeballs. It would be super helpful/awesome if we could win some someway or another.or maybe that we get more from gifts depending on the friendship level, and get maybe get more from pokestops. There is just not enough ways for people to get the pokeballs they need, especially for someone like me that only can play at home or the rare occasion that I find working/available free wifi somewhere.Give,more,ways,to,earn,Coin. Thankyou
noname988269, the 05/10/2021


There's always technical issues. A little more than I'd like, even considering how complex it must be to make an ar game. It's a fun game that promotes getting out and walking. Be wary of paywalls and greedy monetization, but it seems like they're listening to the community a little more.
noname911816, the 05/10/2021


I have different reviews at different times, depending on what comes up. This time I dropped from a 5 star to 3 star because I think the go battle league is messed up. You should be able to battle in any league you feel like. I lost 18 out of 25 battles today because theres no chance of winning in Master (cuz my highest cp is only a 3200 dragonite) or jungle cuz I own no meta pokemon. But in the ultra league I have more than a 90% win rate up till the 2000's rank.
noname817573, the 05/10/2021


The game is fun, but here's something that I really think should be improved; Pokemon you get from Research Quests. Some people got terrible IVs for their Mew. Mine weren't terrible, but definitely subpar. My Gardevoir is more impressive. This quest took me over a month to complete, and it being less than 100% perfect feels insulting. And don't say you can't control the IVs, I know that's bs. Also, CD needs better spawn rates. Furfou not appearing, nor the pokemon for 3 nice throws in a row.
noname358089, the 05/10/2021


When you Pokémon Trade with friends, you have to be next to the to do it. It would be nice if you could add a feature where you can trade with your friends that live in other states. I did a raid with my friend and he didnt end up catching the Pokémon. We did a second raid and he didnt make it into the lobby. I now have 2 of these raid Pokémon and I would love to trade one to him but, I live in New York and he lives in Florida. I feel bad he didnt get the raid Pokémon. So, in the next patch upda
noname308896, the 05/10/2021


I Love This Game But Recently I've Had Trouble With A Pokemon That Won't Get Caught Regardless Of It Being Within The Right Area. Instead It Goes Right Through The Pokemon Or Makes It's Seem As If It's Even Further Away Than It Originally Was Set To. I Wasted 50 Pokeballs And 30 Ultra Balls. I'm Unsure If It's A Bug Or I Just Suck At Throwing Pokeballs Now But I Figured I'd Let You Know In Case It Is A Bug And You Could Fix It.
noname659085, the 05/10/2021


**Now it's saying 'Invalid team rocket Go update' **Force closes consistently, cannot evolve Inkay even though I have the gyroscope.. doesn't register my steps. Lags so bad I have to close it out and reopen it all the time. Lots of Pokèmon lost because of lag. I love this game. Please fix something soon
noname416959, the 05/10/2021


Holding gyms is too exploitable. As try to challenge the two Pokemon in the gym my app crashed, and I found there was a third Pokemon added to the gym as I was fighting the first one. After that, I found that all three Pokemon were healed up to maximum after every wave that I fought them. So long as one person in the gym has golden raspberries to burn, there is no way to take to take the gym.
noname183848, the 05/10/2021


Firstly, why does it request contacts access when I need player# to request them in this game anyway? After years of the distraction that requires allot of time, I'm happy to let it go. It's not easy to get distance in legitimately because of having to keep the screen on and not focus on your actual walk or bike ride. And I'm pretty burned out with in-ap purchases, I've done the work of training in gyms and with only 50 coin in 8hrs is not worth the trouble if I don't wanna buy in.
noname570364, the 05/10/2021


Sometimes when you're in a battle it doesn't let you in the battle a few seconds later and then the battle already started and your pokemon took a lot of damage or died. When you play battles, it sometimes logs you out of the app completely and takes you back to the app store. When you click a type of battle, it will act like you didn't click it and it will take several seconds to load, it's not very touch-sensitive. The game begs you to pay out of pocket to get pokecoins. 30 pokeballs wasted OP
noname676738, the 05/10/2021


The game rises and falls in quality- this results in sky highs and valley lows. It can be incredible fun, and a great game to play with friends, family, etc. But at times it can be frustrating, and downright greedy. It's worth playing casually but be cautious about investing too much.
noname405873, the 05/10/2021


The adventure game emphasizes story and storytelling to provide a gameplay experience that focuses on storyline and atmosphere.

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