video games / 2021 / warplane inc.

warplane inc.

free game | android
15-10-2021, by joy

warplane inc., available on android

Two fictitious states trigger a world war...

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


This game is absolutely beautiful in terms of realism, the atmosphere of this game really does feel like an actual war going on, my favourite is always going to be the siren, i personally loved how the game is designed, as well as the storyline. This types of games deserves more than just love and popularity. I hope it can evolve more, Thank You.
noname648963, the 15/10/2021


It is truly an interesting game. Every time I start playing, I find myself playing for several hours non-stop. The game's graphics dazzle the eyes with an environment that is in the shadows and away from crowded and unnecessary colors.The soundtrack of the game is an awesome state of sadness combined with the hope of victory and peace. The sounding of the game, including the sound of explosions, aircraft engines, gunfires, air strike sirens, really overwhelms the player. GOOD JOB to the creator
noname300014, the 15/10/2021


It's like how far can you go. Simple, but enjoyable. A lot of ads, but reasonably priced to get rid of them. Mechanics can be a bit tough but developer thought of player frustration for landings and created a simplified landing setup. Wish there were more planes to choose from. Otherwise 4/5 stars. Kudos to the developer for a nice time killing game. ????
noname744991, the 15/10/2021


I really like this game, mostly the world war style and the gameplay. I have been playing it for a few games and have not been bombarded with ads at all, probably even less than normal games and apps. I have also noticed no real issues or bugs in the game, I have had trouble with landing but that is also probably just because I'm not very good at the game. All around this game is great! Also, the developer did an amazing job with this whole game and added a ton of personality to the game
noname844674, the 15/10/2021


Excellent game not too many ads (honestly thought there should be more) great game play earn to die like game where you go out for then get money and do it untill you succeed excellent physics awesome art style 99/100 game my only gripe would be polish it's laggy at times like in menus (after you get to the next check point the "again" button should be greyed out or x'ed out) get this game the dev put tonnes of work into it and deserves all of the credit
noname355888, the 15/10/2021


It's a very well made game and I enjoy the difficulty. As well as the upgrade system/different plane layouts and options being very well priced, making it fun to grind for but not exaggerated. Also would appreciate being able to unlock all modes w/out using real money. Only drawback is that it has so many ads, practically at the end of every flight there's an ad. Which if you mess up on a short flight, it gets annoying and repetitive. Make ads a little less often and easily a 5 star game.
noname932097, the 15/10/2021


I love this game! It's an easy to learn, but difficult to master type of game. It's fun and I enjoy playing it when I have a bit of free time when I'm out. The only thing I wouldm like tweaked is the sense of speed and how fast you're going, I will be going 200 KM/H and it doesn't feel like it, it needs to feel faster when you're flying.
noname926970, the 15/10/2021


Overall its a great game. You don't realize there's a deep story until you've bombed several cities which makes the storyline so much better. No complaints about game play except maybe making another campaign. In the shop there's a couple of parts where they show a Russian description instead of English, but its still minor since the player can understand the part already for the most part. Great game, great story. Hoping for an expansion.
noname666298, the 15/10/2021


Overall fun game and would highly recommend... If the developer can change two things. 1) it would be great if the joystick for controlling the plane snapped to wear you placed your thumb as somethimes it doesn't pick it up 2) by far the most infuriating aspect of this game is the volume of the ads. Given the ads just happen they should be muted or very quiet. There are extras to buy and while expensive I see as probably worth if you enjoy the campaign
noname370795, the 15/10/2021


Aside from this game being very fun and VERY well made, I greatly appreciate the amount of personality from the developer is in the game. He seems honest and not greedy, especially for how much time was put into this. From the illustrations between flights, to the gameplay itself, to the notes from the lovers and the map showing what's going on from above, this is an awesome game!
noname16645, the 15/10/2021


I would give it 5 Stars, but the reason is due to a bug. Sometimes As soon as I start landing on refueling point, my landing gear breaks, and the game shows me the results and makes me start from where I began previously, the engine and all were in good condition as well. So please fix that
noname401830, the 15/10/2021


I love all of your games and the perfect mix of realism and fun in them. Also I like how you aren't one of those who make a boring and empty game every week in probably just 2 hours and then create some really annoying advertisement that has the opposite effect of what an ad is made for. Keep making games that show what mobile games should really be like.
noname915241, the 15/10/2021


Incredible work! That's all I have to say, it's a great concept and executed tremendously well. With the play store surged by more and more scummy games (you know the ones I'm talking about) It's great to see such a great game. I love the graphics I love the playstyle and I love the physics which one of the most important aspects for me. A real diamond in the coal mine if you get my drift.
noname29747, the 15/10/2021


This is a really good game, getting into the controls might take you a bit and of course there is the usual ad every time after you die. But other than that it's a really cool game the graphics are okay the artstyle is the usual monotone ish artstyle that you might see in other world war games,and the few bugs that you see are not unbearably bad.
noname270444, the 15/10/2021


Good at the begining but than it just gets worse and worse the only thing thats interesting in this game is the russian letters that the dev didnt bother translating, the game has potential but the dev put no effort into it nothing new gets added with the new planes and there are no cool features that really could make this game fun. This is similar to earn to die but earn to die has some fun upgrades and stuff but this is just no cool upgrades. 2 stars but i gave 5 so ppl can actually see this
noname473760, the 15/10/2021


Hard to find a good mobile game that's not just pay to play or that it doesn't bombard you with ads. I'm glad I came upon this one. I really enjoy playing this game, it's challenging so there is a bit of skill to develop but it's great fun. Tho the controls are a bit wonky and hard to get used to. I guess it would be better if the plane moved in the direction you tapped instead of having to tap directly on the cursor and drag it around (it's easy to miss it)
noname18158, the 15/10/2021


This game is quite amazing tbh. It has that good ganeplay loop to make it engaging for hours on end. I do have some few criticisms: A. Can you limit the range of infrantry fire? B. After the player dies, can you make it so that the enemies stop shooting? C. Maybe some optimizations in the code to make the loading screens faster D. (50/50) I feel like the joystick which you control the plane is a too sensitive. Perhaps giving the player to adjust controls sensitivity? All in all, good job.
noname937134, the 15/10/2021


Yeah this is fun. Reminds me of an old pc game from the 90s, wings of Fury. Game play is cool, upgrades are affordable, grinding for them isn't a chore and purchases aren't slammed down your throat. Ads double your earnings and only appear after you get smoked so the better you get the less ads you see. Also, dropping bombs and hitting tanks makes you feel like a God boss haha.. Solid game guys!! Well done!!
noname628788, the 15/10/2021


Amazing game! Deserves expansions and sequels. The sad war asthenic is amazing! Gameplay is realistic! (The reviews complaining it's too hard even at max upgrade. Yes, it is hard, its realistc, all the upgrades and armor in the world won't save you from being shot down). BRAVO!
noname693307, the 15/10/2021


This game has plenty of content both free and paid, the campaign is long enough to be enjoyable and plane upgrades are noticeable power spikes. The reason I give this game 4 stars instead of 5 is simply due to the paywall on the Air defense u0026 Air fight modes, however don't let that dissuade your choice on getting this game after all it is free. Also the ad presence as of this being written is minimal, I've only had them after a failed attack run.
noname765359, the 15/10/2021


This is a fabulous game that anyone who enjoys the setting of ww2 and more specifically planes, would enjoy. I thought it was going to be a dmall game about flying planes but i was amazed by the depth and diversity of this game. And the graphically style is the cherry on top. Its very unique and i just love it. TL;DR fantastic game would definitely recommend. *french kiss*
noname233903, the 15/10/2021


It sucks... It sucks that I took so long to find a game this amazing. What a great storyline and beautiful art. The gameplay is brilliant and dropping bombs and hitting enemy with guns feel "Wow". The sound adds the beauty to this masterpiece. Amazing work.
noname972090, the 15/10/2021


For someone like me that is into war games, especially WWII, I love this game, controls are a bit hard at first but after a while you can used to them and be able to land on the airfields first try. Their is an add every once and a while, but honestly it could be alot worse. My only request is more planes but I can't ask for to much. If you want a great offline game that has action, some strategy and planning, bit of rage now and then, here you go.
noname356589, the 15/10/2021


The fact that's it's a 2 dimensional game and still has me wanting to progress by playing it like a dope fiend on the chase for his fix is just one of the aspects that make it incredibly refreshing and it's musical score and color scheme gives it a petina of ww1-2 nostalgia, and it would be almost perfect if only you could gain access to the air defense and air attack modes and the other inapp purchaseble extras by playing relentlessly and earn your way with skill vs buying them.
noname667326, the 15/10/2021


THIS GAME.. ITS THE BOMB "WINK". Honestly it's hard to find a game like this nowadays I read the "I need help" note and I left this review. The game deserves a 5 out of 5. The mechanics, gameplay and style are so unique which makes the game so good. Whoever is reading this, I recommend playing it.
noname938359, the 15/10/2021


It's reminds me of the old Miniclip games that I used to play online for free. It's got a good atmosphere with the music and the devs took the effort of creating a world setting with just artwork and loading screens. Am having a lot of fun and I have not spent any money. Thanks for the nostalgia u guys.
noname146906, the 15/10/2021


This game is a instant 10/10, although confusing at first you can quickly learn. The game isn't made to just make money like most of other games, it's fun and will make you go back to playing it. It has story, gameplay, customizability, war and best of all... It's fun!
noname769589, the 15/10/2021


Alright. After seeing the "I need your help" loading screen and the genuine message that comes with it. Here's my feedback; For those scrolling the reviews for the game, it's really great, extreme contrast between the quality of today's games and this dev's style. If you haven't played this, make some time and enjoy this. Msg to the dev: As a dev myself I couldn't relate more with that "Help" message to the letter. Please make more of these, they're really great u0026 have a unique style. Cheers lad
noname179419, the 15/10/2021


This game is extremely awesome. From the art style to the sound effects, its really fun to play and even though there are microtransactions, they dont forced. I really do recommend this game, good job on the developer for making this!
noname892280, the 15/10/2021


I'm not usually fussed about music in games, but the developer has included some great piano here and it is worth mentioning. It makes the game more enjoyable to play, and is good enough to make you linger on menu screens. In a world as hurried and impatient as this one, that's a big compliment. Furthermore, it matches the visuals perfectly, so great job. The game itself falls into the family of games whereby you make a small amount of progress through the level until your fuel runs out, and you have to upgrade your vehicle to get a bit further (see "Earn to Die", etc). This provides a healthy "one more go..." factor, but it does have its weaknesses: I slogged through the first level 75 times before completion, and was close to uninstalling. My frustration boiled down to the fact that there was no possible way I could finish the level unless my plane was upgraded to a certain threshold. To upgrade, you need money, and to get money you have to keep repeating the same minute or two of gameplay, crashing at more or less the same point, and unable to do much about it. Good games rely on agency: the ability for the player to make a difference to their experience through unique choices. This agency is less visible in a game that's only winnable when it wants to be, and will only let you progress once you've seen the required amount of adverts. Halfway through the game, I was given a mission to destroy a particular battleship. It had been a long time coming...I'd been wanting to do specific tasks from the beginning, and it would have been more fun if I had something to get my teeth into on each level, rather than just get to the end each time. Until then, I hadn't bothered using bombs or guns...I didn't see the point. They cost money which is better spent on making your plane faster and having a bigger fuel tank. To make me, a usually peaceful person, feel forced into destructive acts for some greater purpose, is surely the holy grail here. So, more missions please! I loved the simple acts like having to disengage your brakes before every flight, and having to adjust the aircraft's flaps, and raise/lower the landing gear. The sound of the engine starting up is wonderful, the developer has really nailed that one. He's also made a touching storyline that frames the game beautifully. Regular updates in the form of newspaper articles tell you what's going on as you fly across the continent, and relate quite chilling scenarios that lift this game above the normal. I'm not surprised reading other people's heartfelt reactions to playing Warplane. The negatives I experienced in this game were outweighed by the strong emotive core. Your life will be richer, not poorer, for playing it. Any game that can do that gets full marks regardless.
noname482469, the 15/10/2021


Like the gameplay and the story. One problem I have is the crash physics. For example, I would blow up in the air right, and then I hit a building and bounce right off. It's just a little akward. And I wish that you could be able to destroy more of the enviorment. Like I bombed a blimp and literaly nothing happened because it was part of the enviorment. It would be cool to destory a bit more.
noname631967, the 15/10/2021


this is one of the best war plane games i have ever played. The game is quite simple and not over complicated and the graphics are out of this world not like the other knockoff plane games found on the play store. I want to appreciate the developers who took the time to make the Gameplay, Graphics and the Story come to life
noname871853, the 15/10/2021


You can tell that this developer actually cared about a game product such as this one. It's not littered with overwhelming ads like most. And there isn't a pay wall that stops you from enjoying the game. Great art work and design that helps sets the ambiance and tone of the game. I suggest to install this and show some support for more games like this to be on the market!
noname947134, the 15/10/2021


I don't review games. I especially don't review games with as many reviews as this one. But this one deserves a review. I didnt expect much. Honestly, when I downloaded it I expected a plethora of micro-transactions and turn based, pay-to-advance gameplay. I was quite mistaken. Early on in the game, I did purchase an aeroplane, expecting that would be the first of many if I wanted to complete the campaign. I was gravely mistaken, as with a bit of grinding the campaign is easily completeable without spending any money whatsoever. Credit must be given to the developers here, because even though there are micro-transactions in this game, they're not *entirely* unreasonable, given that this is a free to play game. The campaign itself has exceeded my expectations for a mobile game. I was a bit non-plussed by the text at the early stages but I felt a genuine pang of grief later on in the game. Towards the end of the game, the text becomes genuinely interesting and I was very much surprised by that. The gameplay is a touch difficult at the beginning - as a flight sim veteran I would have preferred inverted controls, but they were also very reactive, and required little inputs rather than aggressive ones. By the time I had finished the campaign, maybe three or four hours, I was eager to try out the other modes. I have not, as of this review, as the additional game modes need to be purchased. The one mode available to me, Free Flight, doesn't quite have the repeatability of the campaign, there doesn't feel like there is much opportunity for progression. In one or two places, Russian text is present but it did not prevent my progress, and there was a couple of occasions where my aircraft fell through the ground when it was crashing. Graphics are acceptable for a mobile game and reminiscent of This War of Mine, although far less grainy than that. All in all, I'd say, give this game a bash.
noname465565, the 15/10/2021


Great game, it's original or at least I've not seen anything like it on here before. It's a bit hard to control a plane but it's not frustrating. I will note that there are a few translation errors? At least I think that's what they are but it's understandable.
noname921151, the 15/10/2021


This game is phenomenal. The visuals are very pleasing and simple. The underlying lore is very emotional, sad, and definitely represent the horrors of totalitarianism and war. The gameplay itself is mediocre but challenging and therefore fun. The RNG of anti-aircraft fire is very stressful though, but that flaw is offset by the gaming experience. Would recommend this game, it's long and challenging. Perfect for people who like spending alot of time on games.
noname174993, the 15/10/2021


This actually is a good mobile game. No ads, good gameplay that feels challenging (took 50 flights to beat first line), no issues with progression, 10/10 thank you devs. Only bug I found: buttons for the ammo purchase screen are still in Russian (no descriptions of things, just the buttons)
noname111271, the 15/10/2021


The game is really fun to play, and is extremely detailed. The joystick is a little annoying to use as you won't be looking at it much, but the way the plane moves just feels so realistic. I would recommend playing and I have yet to experience any actual ads in between gameplay. Really enjoy????????????
noname303355, the 15/10/2021


Unique and fun game, but controls and some of the visual elements like your ammo count are too small on a phone. I can't count how many times I crashed because I was having difficulty just selecting the controls. The virtual thumb stick is a little confusing since it's controlling only one axis. Good game, though...
noname945141, the 15/10/2021


The game runs and looks quite good. It delivers a thought provoking story, something quite rare in free games. The pop-up ads are rare and end quickly. However it's not without fault. The free content after finishing the campaign is somewhat lacking. The nuke isn't all it's hyped up to be as you blow yourself up if you are too close to the ground; up high, no damage but can't tell what/where you are aiming at. After watching an ad, you are put into the pause menu. Overall, highly recommend this.
noname177211, the 15/10/2021


Immersion as close as possible to realism in a game that takes up the basics and / or codes of real situations in order to make you experience them in the virtual environment.

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