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battle legion

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23-02-2022, by mrspanda

battle legion, available on android

Form an army and launch it in the battle.

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


Played almost a year and this game was one of the biggest waste of time I had on a game... luckily my clan was great and friendly.. except for that the game has lime no interest.. Progression is super slow, building units is also slow, no sand box to try units or strategy.. only one or two army works in HL... some others units are almost never on the table because they're too week.. raid system reward is super frustrating.. Definitely look for an other game ^^
noname132410, the 23/02/2022


Sans aucune stratégie. C'est juste une guerre de CB. Je me demande si les développeurs jouent à leur jeu en mode F2P, mais je ne pense pas. Ce jeu est conçu pour gâcher notre temps avec des récompenses infimes. Good graphic and interesting game mechanic but at the end is only a cash grabber / IdleAfk Pubs watcher Simulator / Unbalanced P2W. This game is rock/paper/scissor/wallet. This game has so much wasted potential that is sad. Take inspiration from warhammer rules to calculate an army value
noname561865, the 23/02/2022


Game is quite good, fun combos. Gold makes it pay to win as no combo will get you into the top 100 without leveling your army. Changes to meta are significant and fun, but they also mean that it is hard to keep the same army consistent over multiple seasons.. pushing you back to gold limits again. Season pass is nice and helps you get a major leg on opponents, but at 4.99 per season (2 weeks) - that is just too much for a mobile battlke game.
noname999763, the 23/02/2022


The "auto-spin" is stopped by ads and stops randomly. This's very irritating especially since i put so much money and other people onto this game. Everytime i expect the auto-spin to be true and it's not. Many people including myself quit games u0026 move on because of ignorant game faults such as this one's auto-spin issues. When we sit phones down and walk away to do to something for a few minutes, we don't want always come back to a chest ad or the home map instead of ongoing battles. That lame.
noname628502, the 23/02/2022


Why is the "auto spin" randomly stopping ? It's very frustrating and infuriating. Plus, the random garbage wagon offers which are also stopping the auto spin. What's the point of calling it "AUTO" if you have to check your phone every 5 seconds to see if it stopped by some reason ? I know there's no chance for you guys to solve this because you're obviously hungry for money, but consider this, you already have the "watch ad for chest reward" thing. You could just have a clean gameplay.
noname720115, the 23/02/2022


Liked this game a lot to being with, was different, easy to use and heaps of fun. Was great for 10 minutes play here and there and I often found myself playing for a lot longer than that at times. Recently it's been very pushy with micro transactions. Now when I go to battle I have 'found a special unit crate' which is just another micro transaction. These crates require you to either purchase or ignore to proceed, which makes the auto-battle function completely useless. Uninstalled due to this
noname80830, the 23/02/2022


January 2022 update: Reducing to two stars. After the last update matching algorithm is horrible, I'm constantly put up against opponents with units levels +20 or more! Fix this Holy macaroni! By far the best PvP game in the play store,after about 10 days of playing. Absolutely not PtW. Edit: After unit leveling update it all started getting worse. Much slower progress, new players almost impossible to catch up to veterans, the game is trending to become pay to progress without exausting grind.
noname498454, the 23/02/2022


Ok to pass the time in earlier stages of the game, but as seems to be more common now it fast becomes a pay-to-play with "resources" being exceedingly more expensive the higher you develop your character. Season pass didn't seem worthwhile to me. I think in general the economics feel very theme-park expensive. There is some ad-supported gameplay if you choose to take advantage of that but this won't get you very far. Good graphics, teams with an OK chat function, and some neat effects.
noname175625, the 23/02/2022


One of the few mobile games that ever hooked me. I've been playing for a couple of months and I've never watched an ad. The game values your time, takes me about 10-15 mins to do the daily tasks. There is no time gating and you can progress fine without spending any money, I've not spent a penny yet but I'm considering making a small purchase to support the devs since I've not been forced to watch a single ad. It would be cool to see results of your army's fights from other people's games
noname853353, the 23/02/2022


Decent game. The underlying conceit is pretty good, tbh. Pvp and pve are both kind of fair. There are scaling issues, which may frustrate players. Cards aren't as readily available as you'd like them to be. But the mtx is seriously bad. For the price of a handful of premium currency here, you can buy entire AAA games on Epic, Steam, or Playstation store. And without premium currency (which you get at a slow trickle) you cant do raids. Absolutely cannot. Period. So that's a royal pain.
noname278655, the 23/02/2022


After few months of playing. Positive : - No forced in-game ads that stops your game time - F2P friendly as casual Negative : -Gamemodes are boring , you barely have to change anything once you get it. -Too expensive for competitive. -Annoying microtransactions I hoped for new game modes like clan vs clan or vs friends but every update, we get new units that nobody uses since upgrading is too expensive to fit your army. A casual player would just enjoy the first weeks.
noname981782, the 23/02/2022


I used to love this game and play it everyday...but then no matter how i strategize my troops...i always get the opponent with the strategy to beat my troops...and inspite my troops being of higher level than the opponent's troops my troops die first...every freakin time...i lost 20+ times in a row... that's insane...this game sucks big time. I'm deleting it. It's not a fair game anymore.
noname572438, the 23/02/2022


HAHAHAHAHA!! these guys actually have the audacity to charge almost 1$ per shard for some characters...(it takes thousands of shards to level up one character) they give you some shards of course...but this is one of the most expensive free games out there. There is no chat or anything, the alliance is a joke, there is no social aspect but most of all, anything worth anything is expensive. You can't even change relics because they get destroyed when you change them. Cash grab!
noname677186, the 23/02/2022


These absolute geniuses did an update that put super whale players in the same rank as casuals now. Good luck winning anything, actually just stop playing for a week or two until this all gets settled. This game is absolutely pay to win, and if the developers say otherwise it's a lie. Also, the game is designed to make you fight armies that have a higher chance of winning. You have all melee? You fight towers and ranged. Switch to ranged? They have assassins/risen warriors.
noname248366, the 23/02/2022


This game is actually fun. I do wish there was a few more things to be doing in terms of content but otherwise I feel things are decently balanced. I only buy the season pass when I feel the rewards are worth it (only bought it 6 times within the 1.5 years i have been playing, and a season pass drops every 2 weeks. So not bad!) Stronger clans have a better advantage as they can kill higher level bosses. Wished weaker clans didn't have to rely on their members as much. Thanks for the game! u003c3
noname261195, the 23/02/2022


Really liked this game, but shortly after I started playing, there was an update, and after this update, you constantly get 'deals' from the company. Can't play a few minutes without being advertised something in the ingame store. And to effectively progress in the game, you have to spend money, insane amounts. Was a fun game at one point
noname696715, the 23/02/2022


The game itself has the right idea, I love the battle sim style of game and trap light does that right. The issue I have with the game comes down to progression. It is so painfully slow to progress units even 1 level once you start to hit unit level 80 and up. The only plausible way I can see staying competitive in this game is to buy the copious amounts of offers shoved down your throat. These offers are presented to you with any chance they get, and at this point it just seems desperate.
noname93357, the 23/02/2022


To those wanting to play a more relaxed style RTS, where most of the gameplay is focused on the army itself rather than an entire base and resource farming, this is the game for you. They have all kinds of awesome units, many of which are viable even by the end game, although, surprisingly, there are some types that are missing. There aren't many different types of battles, so new modes are still likely. Maybe a 1v1? Where someone pits 1 unit against another? Could lead to a Gladiator unit type
noname258651, the 23/02/2022


After more than a year of playing, I still come back to it. Game has it's flaws and the waiting times to open chest is a little rediculous. Not to mention the raid bosses get rediculous and you can't defeat them without potions you have to spend gems on. However the devs keep the content fresh and they give you plenty of free gems you can use to upgrade your units.
noname931748, the 23/02/2022


There is a huge problem in progression. I have lvl 50 units and facing lvl 100, in pvp and in yourney. I cant really progress unless spending money. There is no ladder reset, the same old guys stays on top. The powerstone system is interesting, but having 4 tier of stones with reset, is terrible. The clan decay system upon unsuccesful raid is inhuman. You are forced to kick even your best friend, if inactive, since the boss will have more hp. Game isn't based on faction play, so why have them.
noname968825, the 23/02/2022


A cool game with a lot of potential. It's similar to Clash Royale. Please adjust the amount of time it shows for clan members that have been offline. Watched clan members go offline only a few minutes but it shows they were gone for an hour. Take off the gold daily limit or raise it at least. Free players are limited against pay2win people. Also allow us to hold more chests to open. I'm a spender and have a huge advantage over free players. What I mentioned above can even it out some.
noname47768, the 23/02/2022


It's an alright game with solid design behind it. Almost anyways, the freemium is strong with this one. You need shards and massive amounts of gold to upgrade units. It's common for me to see armies with units 10-20 levels higher than me at the same ranking. If you don't win, you don't get stronger. Not to mention how I'm particularly starved of brute shards, which is a core unit for your army considering it's tanky, immune to most cc, and does aoe damage and knock back. Uninstalled.
noname177446, the 23/02/2022


I rarely leave reviews, but with this game it's neccassery. I think it's rigged. You level up in increments of 50 xp, and when you are close to levelling, suddenly you are facing harder opponents. I win 9/10 games, and then when I am close to levelling up, on my 10th game I lose about 7 games in a row, resulting in xp loss, and constant cycle of winning and losing until the 'game' is satisfied I have grinded enough. Then I can level up. Hard to explain, but basically it's rigged. Pay to win.
noname904371, the 23/02/2022


Combat is fun and challenging but unit upgrades are purposely hard, since upgrades are random and geared towards lower unit types, getting top tier units at higher levels is incredibly slow, not to mention some units whose only purpose seems to be to waste upgrade possibilities. I keep playing though because its fun.
noname71421, the 23/02/2022


So far so good! I've played the game for about 15-20 minutes and so far it's an easy way to pass the time. I'm sure the game will get very "grindy" (like clash of clans), but I feel like it will still be enjoyable. Will update with any major complications or peeves if I feel the need.
noname557629, the 23/02/2022


A very good and relaxing game, 10/10 nothing to complain, very good free lots, very plentiful and rewarding chests, kudos for not being money-greed. A well maintained balance that offers the joy of playing even to the f2p players. Please take into consideration a more challenging approach when it comes to PVP action, i am sure that many of us would enjoy and benefit from some clan VRS clan action rather than solo pvp (which gets kinda boring after some weeks of grinding).
noname41902, the 23/02/2022


Purchases are required to attain the highest ranks. If you try and diversify your army options, you will water down their levels until it becomes ineffective. The only option without purchasing to fix this would be hours and hours of mindless grinding. Any element of strategy claimed by the developers is an illusion. No amount of community support via Discord will address this.
noname264389, the 23/02/2022


Latest update has been yet another push towards pay to play now with three factions of unit types that are only available in by purchase and seem to have no hope of being phased into the rest of the units after 5 sequential updates based on a more purchase heavy platform I've finally decided to delete the game because even buying the bi weekly pass doesn't do enough to sustain an late-end game player
noname972265, the 23/02/2022


This, marks all the checks for a great game, not so many ads, doesn't try to go too far just to impress you, that bar hits just right, a lot of microtransactions but surprisingly it doesn't shove it up your face every 5 minutes, great game overall. it's perfect, great for passing time, y'know, 10/10
noname72635, the 23/02/2022


Disappointed with the update. Essentially added inflation to the game, gold and levels are basically worthless now
noname694741, the 23/02/2022


Shittiest AI I've ever seen in a game. For example, artillery is behind a wall, with a giant laser shooting crawler coming at me. You would think that the AI would target that big laser thing, nope! It targets the f****** Lvl 1 skeleton who stuck on the other side of the wall. Fix your AI or allow me to pick what units target what. Not only is this game 1,000% paid win after level 11, the prices are f****** crazy. You cannot get past level 11 without paying. End of story. Fu devs!
noname622051, the 23/02/2022


This game is very fun with its gameplay and very well made but I think this game gets two grindy after level 6. When you encounter players who have spent money in this game you instantly lose to them and just getting enough money to level up your units to compete with said pay to win players feels impossible without paying money yourself. So I think if the devs can find a way to make this game less grindy it can be a s Star game.
noname444064, the 23/02/2022


Beautyfull Game! Really fun to discover, specially now that gold, XP, and events are much more abundant! But there's a lot of grind to get to the lategame as f2p, battle pass helps (which is not too expensive) except droprate is clearly rigged, you'll always get more often what you use less, it's more than tested in over a year of play. Therefore all resources other than gold and xp come quiiite scarcely, and when they come they'll probably be 85% stuff you don't need. (Specially as f2P).
noname892774, the 23/02/2022


Fun game but I completed rank 9 and cannot progress any further in part because when I purchase wagons and recieve shards when I go to upgrade it just takes my coins and does not upgrade appropriately as well as I have not gotten more than a few of the more powerful units or their shards to upgrade them (after spending maybe close to $100)Time to find another game to play.
noname52171, the 23/02/2022


Strategy game made stupid with a simple pay wall. Any tactic, strategy or skill is made useless when someone reaches for their parents credit card and swipes around 300 dollars in purchases. When you're rank u003c 500 and are facing troops upgraded 40 times, the answer is simple. The credit card. That's right, good ole credit card warriors. ???? such a gem of potential ruined by a easy scheme. You wanna play card games then this is the one for you. Credit card battles for you? This is it. Swipe it.
noname310152, the 23/02/2022


It gets a 1 star because they need to balance the units better..TAMED BEAST can take out your entire army. 1 unit..its bs. Nerf it!
noname830264, the 23/02/2022


It was fun at first until the new units got released and are completely overpowered especially the necromancer and R-31-NO
noname143804, the 23/02/2022


P2w bs, everything in this game directs you pay money(such as daily gold limit etc) and in arenas there are bots you cannot possibly beat if you are f2p. Game could have been so much better if the devs actually developed the game instead of finding ways to get in their playerbases pockets.
noname114654, the 23/02/2022


could you make it any less blurry and bad on graphics than this actually ? cant stare at it more than 2 minutes omg. jesus. i opened the settings and there was no graphic option what so ever aswell. teribble. really terrible.
noname965298, the 23/02/2022


Games like this are fun to start with and seem to have a bunch of unlockable items but when it comes down to the actual game play its not fun its just spinning the wheel on a win or lose depending on the opponent you have been given randomly
noname397198, the 23/02/2022


Immersion as close as possible to realism in a game that takes up the basics and / or codes of real situations in order to make you experience them in the virtual environment.

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