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mwt : tank battles

free game | android
03-03-2025, by elodie

mwt : tank battles, available on android

A JCJ hi-tech war with tanks, drones and aerial devices.

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


Love the gameplay. It's not as arcadey as World of Tanks, and not as super realistic as Warthunder, which promotes lots of camping (which yes, I understand is more realistic). Seeing the variety of helicopters available in the game is what sold me to try it out. I hate the long grind for gold, but ripping around in a KA-52 is so much fun. Overall, gameplay is super balanced. Optimization is good as well, I rarely ever lag. However, please add more maps. This is a must.
noname682756, the 03/03/2025


Absolutely amazing game, Graphics are great and it's an amazing sequel to Modern Warships. What would make it even better is if you add bigger maps with more players and more players that can operate jets and helicopters, not just two , a 15v15 mode would be perfect. One slightly annoying aspect is the way you instantly get bombarded by missiles when using a fighter jet, it's very frustrating and is quite unfair imo. A suggestion is to add different roles for each fighter(interceptors,bombers..)
noname578345, the 03/03/2025


It is quite buggy for a fully released game, the beta version was quite smoother, the bug often happens during the selection on tanks when spawning, the option for the vehicle will disappear and you'll have no choice but to quit the match, and sometimes the aiming hud is also stuck in a fixed position, relatively happening quite often with vehicles that has a drone equipment, sometimes when buying stuff, be it vehicles or consumables, your screen will be stuck in a loading state, 2.5/5 stars
noname427977, the 03/03/2025


Great game. Been playing it for a month and really loved your recent update. Just one small request: Just like you guys have added a tank only Conquest mode, please add an aircraft and helicopter only conquest or Death match mode (or a mode where we have to sink enemy's aircraft carrier and/or ships and protect our own ) as I really love your aircrafts. Also, addition of drones like Byraktar and Predator to this game would be epic. Also, please add more maps.
noname790135, the 03/03/2025


Overall, this is a great game, but there are a few concerns: 1. Recently, the game has been experiencing glitches or getting stuck at times, making it difficult to play. 2. The tank options are limited to only few countries, with no additional choices available. 3. It would be helpful to have an option to sell tanks that players no longer wish to keep in their inventory. Aside from these, there are no other concerns to address at this moment.
noname131009, the 03/03/2025


This is the best game I have found out till now. This is great because it has great graphics, comfortable controls, good maps, etc. But the most annoying things i find in this game are :- 1. Game becomes super laggy for no reason at all. Even at lowest graphic settings the game lags like hell. 2. When I try to hit enemies by cannons, it doesn't register the hit. It is really annoying when you are about to kill the enemy. 3. Unfair gameplay. Higher level players against lower levsl players.
noname515978, the 03/03/2025


Super fun!!!!!! Tons of vehicles to play with and amazing graphics. I do have some suggestions: Challenger tank (2 or 3), an SU 34 would be awesome, and maybe even an F-117. Also, please add a new map or new night time that is actually dark and makes better use of thermals and night vision as currently they aren't needed and feels like they are just there to add a bit more to vehicles and also for role-playing...
noname258448, the 03/03/2025


Because I have one bug that's it. The tanks wheel/track is not surface pasted the tanks in perspective are moving right although they are at least 1 foot or so irl above the ground. They should be tanks. I am very impressed with the game and the camo net is great it's there it doesn't just say it's there. Nice and smooth ultra settings for 8gb ram plus phones
noname271611, the 03/03/2025


Incorporates all the worst parts of War Thunder with all the convenience of portability. The buttons are small and cannot but moved, the game play is (at best) an unbalanced nightmare, the actions are continuously hindered by bad placement of said small buttons, and the grind is beyond unreal (a month per tank, tier 1 only). It's very beautiful and the sound effects are great. The call-outs make me jump out of my chair (off the toilet) and excited me. It has potential. Let us move buttons.
noname406264, the 03/03/2025


I thought modern warships was good, but my god I was wrong, better optimization, better graphics (imo) and more vehicles to choose. Would be a hell lot better if they add like a battleship that you can summon for 50 seconds that can bombard every corner of the map if you capture all the points or kill 8 tanks without dying once. Either way, great game ????. Would love to see it on PC though
noname809038, the 03/03/2025


"I've been playing MWT Modern Tank since its launch, and it's been an amazing experience! The graphics are stunning, creating an immersive and realistic tank combat environment. The smooth controls and exciting game mechanics make each battle feel intense and rewarding. With a variety of tanks, upgrades, and strategies, every match is unique. The active community and regular updates from the developers keep the game fresh. If you love tactical, action-packed gameplay, this is a must-play!"
noname326896, the 03/03/2025


The game is so good, the graphics are outstanding, everything I find in this game is really good. But I have a little suggestions on the game. Like an "Icon" knowing what type of components from our vehicles that got damage from a hit. Example: Like our engine got hit from a attack of an enemy. It shows on our screen like a icon that our engine is damage. The same icon appears that when our track is damage. Because sometimes some of components damage won't appear (Except "Track Icon" dmg)
noname488753, the 03/03/2025


A realistic tank simulator. The graphics are adjustable, so are all of the controls. And the gameplay being a PVP naturally is tough. Luckily you can do things to help with difficulty. such as unequipping the plane in your hangar. You can make custom skins, and change weapon load outs. Honestly they fit allot onto a mobile platform and nailed it. It's the strategy and difference of skill level that will frustrate you. make some friends and don't solo!
noname893746, the 03/03/2025


Been playing this game for a week now and worse than expected! This is the tank version of Modern Warships! Graphics, tanks, sounds, effects are great and realistic but the matching system absolutely sucks! U literally start off tier 1 vs tier 4 players! In a weeks time, I haven't won a single match! The packs are more expensive than Modern Warships!
noname370481, the 03/03/2025


This game need some bug to be fixed: 1.Enemy long shield protection, once i count it, it's almost 30 seconds, also they spawn right at the captured point, which is i never spawn there ever since i play this game 2.bug kills in mission, i have killed and count it 8 vehicles and already ruled the rules how to get kill count, but when i see on mission tab, it only counted 3 or 2, it always happen. 3.fps always drop at 15 or maybe 10 when playing online. Hope this will help to improve this game
noname718604, the 03/03/2025


overall design and concept was fantastic, what I'm concerned about is how some props around the map doesn't have proper hitboxes like there's a prop tent that there's is one encounter that a enemy is behind and it didn't get pass through and the prop will just explode although the prop itself has a open space. also improve decal customization etc.
noname937655, the 03/03/2025


Based on my xperience it's such a good optimized game no matter what p2win. As im being of pioneer players of this game I really enjoyed it but there something to do fix it, cuz newly game released I've experiencing on game crashing, their sound effects was too quite, joy stick control unresponsive a little bit and tank penetration guide which I'm confuse to shoot. Also guys maybe add some more tanks like German and British tanks and night maps.
noname304501, the 03/03/2025


Such an amazing modern tank game, I like the vehicle designs, graphics, background and explosion effects. I have several feedbacks from me: - Make the game a bit more F2P friendly - Add vehicles from other nations like European and Asian - Improve gun sounds and explosion effects and sounds - Better vehicle sounds That's all from me and thank you!
noname706747, the 03/03/2025


Overall, great tank based game. But the reason I give this a 4/5 because of two issues. One: For no reason, the joystick which controls my vehicle's movements is gone sometimes. Two: Even I got good internet connection, some matches can be extremely buggy. Like that one match, all of my gameplay is struggling with a lot of lag and enemy tanks anime teleports even though I got the graphics low. Overall, it's a great tank game and deserves a 4/5
noname214117, the 03/03/2025


Its a nice game but you have to remember that it is a tank game not a fighter jet plane . So it is my request to the developers to nerf the planes or make one hit kill by tanks for hitting specific spots. It is really annoying that when people think they are going to lose they use plane and destroy all tanks specially in low level battles like tier 1 or tier 2 . ????
noname809394, the 03/03/2025


There will always be something happening in this type of game. Real-time interactions will require reflexes and skill from the player at all times.

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