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alto s odyssey

free game | android
15-10-2024, by mrspanda

alto s odyssey, available on android

Discover the endless desert.

The game is available on Android. Discover this free game now.

Android compatible, you will find all the informations about the supported systems on the official website.
The link redirects directly to the Google Play site for added security. Once on the site, identify yourself with your Google account associated with your smartphone or tablet, then click on "Install".


Fantastic Game. I poured hundreds of hours in Alto's Adventure, and paid so I didn't get ads. Bu there is no option to pay in this game to remove ads, this is mind boggling to me as I would rather pay this great game 5-10 euros anyway, but the ads make me want to commit arson each time they pop. This is very sad as the game seems to be even better than the first one, but my progress is halted by the fact that I can't stand watching the ads when I fall to validate quest objectives.
noname297523, the 15/10/2024


Love the game, really peaceful, nice music. The whole aesthetic is wonderful! On the bad side (only a minor bug), on the hardest chiasm, without ballons, and probably the longest jump without any means to cross than jump, i often fall right b4 the border. Yesterday there was a bug as I was both on the ground and falling, it was kinda funny to hear the game over sound bugging but I thought you might wanna fix it? Keep on the good work girls/guys/non binary pals
noname883001, the 15/10/2024


Amazing game, beautiful graphics. A new adventure to discover. (I love the water pools wish there were more. ) I don't understand why it was not up for the 2018 game of the year selection. However the high score function doesn't work with my linked in account and there are a few bugs that interfere with gameplay. Also, it would be great if you could still find out about upcoming chasms when you're up in the air performing tricks.
noname268377, the 15/10/2024


the mechanics seems simple but it is very difficult to master. this game is a true masterpiece, the design style, music and the ability to keep you engrossed with challenges so you always feel the need to come back and try and land those triple backflips. The team has also introduced some really cool things in this iteration when compared to the last game which was also excellent.
noname635122, the 15/10/2024


Nice follow up from Alto's Adventure. Satisfying wallride mechanics and balloon addition. The lemur is on cocaine which is less satisfying. Also the level system imo is a bit too rigid, I'd love to get a new objective when another is completed, instead of advancing 3 by 3 since at least one of them at a time is not user triggered (wallride to grind, for example, only works if there's a possibility of a grind after the wallride is done)
noname855819, the 15/10/2024


A beautiful, relaxing, and simple side scroller. Nice music and animation. And not only are there 3 different beautiful environments to travel through, it also cycles through day/night and different types of weather, with some nice details that really show a lot of thought e.g., the moon follows its own cycle, sometimes appearing during the day alongside the sun, the screen darkens if the sun passes behind a cliff, etc. And ads are only between runs, and not even every single time.
noname149475, the 15/10/2024


Epic. The soundtrack is perfect and I can't stop listening to it, even after years. The game itself is beautiful, and almost any screenshot you take can be used as a wallpaper because of how pretty it is. (It even has a 'photo' mode!!) The soundtrack is amazing and fits so perfectly with the game. The ads are tolerable, especially playing in airplane mode lol. Have I mentioned the soundtrack? It's the best mobile game soundtrack. I could get lost inside this game forever. Definitely worth it.
noname635023, the 15/10/2024


The animation is beautiful to the point of me wanting pictures of it for my wall. The soundtrack fits perfectly. The game is fun with just enough challenge to keep it interesting. My favorite thing is the Zen Mode which you can play without collecting score, completing, challenges, and can keep going after you fall. It is really peaceful and the most relaxing app I've used.
noname375247, the 15/10/2024


Like Altos Adventure, I find this game and it's star system very fun. What I struggle with is the passing of day and night in the game - I really struggle to see obstacles in the dark mode and often crash more quickly during this phase. I'd love for dawn/day/dusk/night to be gameplay settings that a user can either choose or match to their phones theme. Obviously, more Google Play Achievements would also be an improvement for me!
noname880941, the 15/10/2024


This game deserves 5 stars, but I've noticed an increase in glitches as of lately. Both me and my boyfriend love this game and he's mentioned some glitching recently too. Some examples I've seen personally are: wallride rocks connected/meshed together in a way that they're clearly meant to be separate, wingsuiting through the ground, missing a rock yet still being knocked out, being glitched through the ground during rock bounces, and very brief stops in the game. 5 stars otherwise u003c3
noname410535, the 15/10/2024


This and altos adventure used to be fantastic games. My favourite mobile games ever. However now forced ads have been added (like there weren't enough already!) and because I've paid for no ads and still have to watch them I find it incredibly disappointing and a bit greedy tbh. I pop back on this on zen mode from time to time but it's no fun spending more time watching ads than playing the game!!
noname866076, the 15/10/2024


This is such an amazing game. I loved Alto's Adventure and this did not disappoint me. The bg music and the visuals are so serene and relaxing it makes one want to play the game more. The challenges are actually good and they are a visual treat when you complete them.
noname171958, the 15/10/2024


I can't stress how much I love this game. It's a really great idea and execution. Minimal ads. If i had to hive one idea for improvement, it would be more characters and maybe more ways to do combos with a bit more complexity for combos. Really great game.
noname331155, the 15/10/2024


Ads are to intrusive and desperate. Y'all want us to play and download a game while we already playing a game when it comes to watching a TV video for advertisement. And when we come back from the loooooooong advertising the music on the original game Odyssey that were playing is now off. I have to restart the game to listen to the soothing music. It's horrible at this point. No fun anymore
noname844613, the 15/10/2024


You want to grind the rails? All the coins are below. You want to have fun? Let me just, no. The game is you constantly getting punished for doing the fun things. You jumped wrong? Dead. You jump correctly? Guess what, also dead. You need to flip to gain speed but when you have speed you miss coins and when you slow down youre too slow for cliffs. Theres more clever ways to reward the player when theyre doing things that are fun for them. Havent seen it here.
noname50787, the 15/10/2024


Cool Design great game. Just feels so clunky to actually do tricks because your character turns so slowly. feels unrewarded to get off tricks because of that. Also really wish there was a way to go either forward or backwards rather than only backwards.
noname231585, the 15/10/2024


Lovely game. On top of the great music, artwork and interface, the care put into the user experience is incredible. Even down to how they try to make ads as unintrusive and optional in the base game. I wish all game Devs were this considerate !
noname881277, the 15/10/2024


Great game, all of the good thinhgs to be said. -Izel has a Particle problem using the Wingsuit. Tons of sand particles. Still appreciate the game, cool gameplay and style, great music and original Ideas Hope this reaches someone the can deal with the wingsuit problem. Best of luck to anyreaders ;) thanks for making a great game
noname630120, the 15/10/2024


I am literally in love with this game its super goooooodd !!!!!! The ZEN MODE it's like the bestest feature in the game . It's true that the missions are a but difficult ti understand but that is the only fun it's quite time pass and wonderful game all over thanks for creating this game. ♡♡♡♡
noname485687, the 15/10/2024


My original post in 2021 was as follows: If it wasn't for the consistent ads this would be a perfect game to zone out with. Now that it's 2024 the ads have only gotten WORSE. A 30 second unsuitable ad between rounds?! Common please do better. It absolutely ruins the experience
noname460082, the 15/10/2024


Real pastime, with this game you are sure to find the time much shorter... At the risk of coming back and becoming addicted !

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